Advisory Council
Our School Counseling Department utilizes an advisory council to inform the design of the school counseling programs delivered in our district. The advisory council is a 10-12 person board comprised of school counselors, teachers, parents, school board members, and community members. The advisory council reviews data from the school counseling programs and provides feedback to each school's counselor about needs to address and topics to cover in their programs.
We currently meet once each semester. If you would like to be involved or if you have any questions please contact your school counselor.
District Counseling Program Guide
The School Counseling Department at Big Horn County School District # 3 delivers high-quality services to every student, parent, and stakeholder. Our practices are based on the American School Counselor Association's guidelines.
Mission Statement:
Greybull Public Schools’ Counseling Program promotes college and career readiness for all students through the delivery of and access to a comprehensive school counseling program based on the ASCA National Model.
Vision Statement:
Every student will participate in school counseling activities designed for social-emotional, career, and academic growth.