District Improvement
District Dropout Prevention:
Family Engagement—Research consistently finds that family engagement has a direct, positive effect on youth’s achievement and is one of the most accurate predictors of a student’s success in school. Critical elements of this type of collaboration rely on effective, ongoing, and multi-dimensional, two-way communication as well as ongoing needs assessments and responsive family supports and interventions.
Afterschool/Out-of-School Opportunities—Greybull High School provides after-school, before-school, and/or summer academic opportunities (e.g., credit recovery) that provide students with opportunities for assistance and recovery. In addition, GHS encourages and supports students to participate in numerous extra-curricular activities including numerous sports (with a combined school agreement with Worland High School for sports not offered at GHS) In addition, we offer numerous club-type activities through fine and performing arts, foreign language, FBLA, student council, FFA, speech and debate, Skills USA, and many other options for students to become involved. Such experiences are especially important for at-risk students because out-of-school “gap time” is filled with constructive and engaging activities and/or needed academic support.
Career and Technical Education (CTE)—Quality CTE programs and related career pathways and guidance programs are essential for all students. Youth need workplace skills as well as awareness and focus to increase not only the likelihood that they will be prepared for their careers, but also that school will be relevant to what is next
Safe Learning Environments—Safe, orderly, nurturing, inclusive, and inviting learning environments help students realize their potential as individuals and as engaged members of society. All staff needs to provide a safe environment to all students both physically and emotionally. Students are expected to be made to feel genuinely welcomed and supported. A safe and orderly learning environment provides both physical and emotional security as well as daily experiences, at all grade levels that enhance positive social attitudes and effective interpersonal skills. A safe, nurturing, and responsive learning environment supports all students, teachers, cultures, and subgroups; honors and supports diversity and social justice; treats students equitably; and recognizes the need for feedback, innovation, and second chances. GHS has an extensive harassment/bullying policy that is adhered to and all reports of harassment/bullying are investigated to ensure that we are providing a safe environment for our students.
Academic Success/Advocacy—Greybull High School/Greybull Middle School has created an academic success/advocacy time that all students participate in once a day four times per week. This time is made available to all students to work on homework, seek one-to-one tutoring from staff, and develop a relationship with an advocate staff member for the year. The staff member monitors the student’s grades and academic performance and provides interventions specifically identified for targeted particular students based on Wy-TOPP data.
Scholastic Achievement—Greybull High School targets potential “drop-outs” early. If as a staff we begin to identify a student not achieving credits that allow for promotion, consistently failing courses, and exhibiting these signs early in their high school career they are placed in an environment where a staff member assists that student with their academic needs. The student’s schedule includes a 53-minute period five days per week to get assistance on work, complete missing assignments, receive study skill assistance, and receive help with organizational skills. Students can earn their way out of the class by demonstrating proficiency however we do have seniors that continue to stay in the class as a safety net.
Counseling and Career Guidance—The counseling department and administration, with assistance from staff, continually advise and collaborate among themselves and parents to assist families with career and guidance options provided at Greybull High School to ensure students have opportunities for financial aid as well as scholarship opportunities. Numerous parent nights are offered to assist parents with college readiness. Student success and lack of success are continually monitored and student schedules are adjusted to ensure students can graduate, obtain Hathaway financial assistance, and ensure success. Students can adjust their schedule to help them become more college and career ready. Numerous dual enrollment opportunities have been added to our schedule as well as concurrent enrollment options for students.
Tutoring- After-school tutoring is offered Monday-Thursday in both Greybull High School and Greybull Middle School. This time is dedicated to one on one or small group reteaching or remediation. Week-to-week and day-to-day students are identified and targeted in the subject area and receive support.
English Learners—EL support students receive services for one of three reasons: 1. students may qualify for direct services based on WIDA assessment data, 2. students qualified for services based on WIDA assessment data but have “tested out” and are now in monitoring status 3. any Hispanic student from native speaking families that require assistance as an additional resource. Students that can and do receive services are specifically scheduled one period per day in the ELL room regardless of if a student is identified, monitored, or receiving assistance, all students who attend the ELL room receive support with tests, quizzes, projects, homework, study skills, and organizational skills. Students will be supported in cultural enrichment activities (i.e.: WYO-Latina Conference, peer mentoring groups) and will be supported through targeted activities specifically designed to meet their needs (i.e. interpreters at Financial Aid Night)
As a staff, we have begun investigating and researching methods to decrease the achievement gap between one specific group and that is between our free and reduced students and our non-free and reduced students. As a staff, we are investigating and including decreasing the achievement gap as a goal of our SIP plan. Although our graduation rate continues to be high the students that do not graduate would qualify as free and reduced students. Our goal is to determine how to better serve those students and our community and focus on the specific targeted demographic. This is a work in progress and will continue to be a central theme including different parent/teacher opportunities, student focus groups, and communication with parents.